FREE Moonlight Movies |
Bring your low-back lawn chairs, blankets, and enjoy a free movie in the park. The movie will be shown on a 20' inflatable screen. Movies begin at 8 p.m. or later based on sunset.
(across from LQHS)
Friday, May 8
(Corner of Fred Waring and Monticello)
Friday, May 22
Online Park Rentals |
Now you can reserve Fritz Burns or La Quinta Park ONLINE!!!
Please visit and click "search" "facility" "calendar" and select your date and time.
La Quinta Museum |
77885 Avenida Montezuma
(760) 777-7170
La Quinta - Then and Now "Iconic Light"
The photographic works of Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange
This exhibit features rarely seen 1930's era photos of the Coachella Valley. This exhibit will be here through August 15, 2015.
La Quinta Library |
78275 Calle Tampico
(760) 564-4767
Library Hours
Monday-Thursday 10am-7pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 12pm-4pm
The La Quinta Public Library offers FREE programs for the whole family. The Library offers weekly story times, classes, educational series, and special programs such as entertainment and movies. Please visit the Library for a list of programs.
La Quinta AYSO
Fall Registration Dates
Amelia Earhart Elementary
45250 Dune Palms Rd
Tuesday, May 12
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, June 13
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Cost: $100 per player
AYSO accepts cash or checks made payable to AYSO.
Please bring proof of Date of Birth if player is new to the region.
Parent or Legal Guardian must be present at time of registration.
La Quinta is a little piece of paradise surrounded by the majestic Santa Rosa Mountains offering year-round sunshine, scenic hiking and biking trails, spectacular golf, magnificent views, fabulous shopping and dining venues, and so much more.
Better Together Cancer Outreach
Saturday, May 2 @ 8 a.m.

Wellness Center
78450 Avenida La Fonda
We invite you to join the City of La Quinta and nonprofit Cancer support services from the Coachella Valley in our "Better Together Cancer Outreach" event. The event will begin with a walk around La Quinta's beautiful Civic Center Campus at 8am with Mayor Linda Evans. Along the walk we invite all participants to sign the giant white ribbons in honor or memory of a loved one. At 9am we invite everyone inside the Wellness Center to watch a slide show, listen to guest speakers, and gather information from local organizations. So grab your friends and family and show your support. Light refreshments will be available.
Ages: All ages welcome!
Date: Saturday, May 2
Time: 8 a.m. Walk begins
9 a.m. Main Wellness Center event begins
Cost: FREE!!
Community Activities |

Click here to view our May classes, events, hikes, and much more. Pick-up the May issue of The Gem at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce inside City Hall.
4th Annual Y Tri
Saturday, May 16 @ 9 a.m.

Fritz Burns Park
78080 Frances Hack Lane
(Corner of Avenue 52 and Bermudas)
Children will swim, bike, and run through a safe triathlon course! This non-competitive event will start off with a swim in the pool, then a traffic-free bike course, and a run in the park. Bring a swim suit, a bike in good working order, a helmet, running shoes, and a bunch of enthusiasm.
Ages: 5 through 8 years old
Date: Saturday, May 16
Time: 8 a.m. on-site registration/ check-in begins
9 a.m. event begins
Cost: $10 per participant
Register at: Family YMCA of the Desert
43930 San Pablo Ave.
Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 341-9622
Disc Golf Tournament "Under the Stars"
Saturday, May 23 @ 10 a.m.

Grab your discs and join us for some high flying disc action. All ages and experience are welcome - there will be a division for everybody. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each division (advanced, novice, youth).
Date: Saturday, May 23
Time: 10 a.m.
Cost: $10 per player, on-site registration
Location: Civic Center Campus
(Behind the La Quinta Library)
For more information please call (760) 777-7094.
2015 Summer Golf Tour |

The La Quinta Summer Golf Tour is back. This 13 week golf program allows participants to play the finest courses in the Coachella Valley. Tour participants may pick and choose which courses they would like to play. Players may choose to play in either single or team divisions. You do not have to be a La Quinta resident to join the tour. Registration begins on Monday, May 4.
Location: Premier golf courses throughout the Coachella Valley
Date: Saturday, June 6 - Saturday, August 29, 2015
Age: All ages welcome!
Cost: $69 Enrollment fee plus weekly course green fees
For more information please call (760) 777-7091.
Nature Walk |

Join us for our last Adult Nature Walk of the season. Nature Walks begin at the Shade Shelter on the Bear Creek Nature Trail at the corner of Calle Ensenada and Avenida Montezuma in the La Quinta Cove.
Date: Saturday, May 16
Time: 8 a.m.
Fritz Burns Pool |

The Fritz Burns Pool offers a variety of classes, programs, and special events for children and adults of all ages. Here are some of the pool programs:
- Early season Water Aerobics and Swim Lessons begin May 11
- On-site registration will be taken Sundays, May 3 and 10 at Fritz Burns Pool from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Pool rentals can be arranged on any day of the week during May. Please contact the Family YMCA at (760) 341-9622 for rental rates and availability.
- Registration for summer swim programs will be available at the Y Tri event on Saturday, May 16 at Fritz Burns Park from 9am to 11am.
- Pool will be open for the season on Monday, June 15.
- Click here for the Fritz Burns Pool Summer 2015 Catalog
For more information on summer aquatic programs, please call the Family YMCA of the Desert at (760) 341-9622 or visit
Wellness Center |

The La Quinta Wellness Center offers a wide variety of classes for all ages along with a state of the art fitness area.
A few of the many programs:
- Chair Yoga
- Ballroom Dance
- Youth Glee Club
- Tiny Tigers Taekwondo
Fitness Facility:
- Technogym Cardio and Strength Training Equipment
- Free Weights
- Stretch Area
- Annual Memberships -
- Residents $50 per year
- Non-residents - $75 per year
- Daily Fitness Pass - $5
To review the LQ Active Newsletter please click here. Program in formation is also available online at