Items of Interest - June 19, 2020

- The COVID-19 statistics from Riverside County Public Health is reporting 164,616 tests performed, 11,951 positive cases and 399 deaths countywide as well as 185 cases and 10 deaths in La Quinta as of Wednesday, June 17.
- COVID-19 testing at the county-run sites is open to anyone, whether you have symptoms or not, and there are no out-of-pocket costs to individuals. You must have an appointment to get tested. Testing site locations are listed below. To make an appointment at a county-operated site, call 800-945-6171. To make an online appointment at a state-run testing site, click
- The City of La Quinta has opened the newest program in the COVID-19 Emergency Economic Relief Fund, the Rebate Program where businesses are eligible to be reimbursed for qualified purchases related to COVID-19 safety preparedness, in an effort to help businesses moving forward with reopening in a safe manner, per the California State Industry Guidance ( Interested businesses can apply by visiting: Applications will be open until December 31, 2020, or when all funds have been expended, whichever occurs first.
- The City App includes the COVID Microsite as well as additional information for Playing, Working and Living in LQ. The app contains links to Resident Resources as well as Business Resources for the La Quinta Community. The app is available currently on Apple iTunes and will be available soon on Google Play.
- The City of La Quinta is working with the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce on banners for businesses that are currently open during COVID-19. These banners are valid for La Quinta businesses only with a current business license. It’s one per business and is first come, first serve. Businesses can register for a banner by visiting:
- 211 Riverside County is the County of Riverside designated information line for COVID-19 public inquiries. Operators are available any time to answer your questions and to provide the most up to date public health information available. Additionally, operators will help provide referrals to services such as food, shelter, and other health related requests. To speak with an operator, dial 211 OR (800) 464-1123.
- To receive updates about COVID-19 information and resources straight to your phone through Nixle, text 92253 to 888-777.
- The La Quinta Wellness Center is your resource for food distribution and general information. Call (760) 564-0096 Monday Through Friday from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. for service.
- In partnership with FIND Food Bank, the City participates in bi-weekly food site distribution at Washington Street Apartments, Hadley Villas, Coral Mountain Apartments and Wolff Waters Apartments. Staff is in communication with other sites and interested parties are encouraged to call (760) 564-0096 for more information.
- With the help from local partners, FIND Food Bank has food distribution locations at the following locations:
- La Quinta High School (79255 Blackhawk Way, La Quinta CA, 92253) 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 10:00am-12:00pm
- La Quinta Community Fitness Center Park (77865 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta CA, 92253) Seniors ages 65+ proof of age required, 1st and 3rd Friday, 8:30am-10:30am
- Desert Recreation District La Quinta (77865 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta CA, 92253) 4th Saturday, 7:00am-11:00am
- Contact FIND Food Bank at 760-775-3663 for more information.
- The YMCA of the Desert is providing childcare to essential workers at the La Quinta Museum. YMCA staff have received required COVID-19 health & safety trainings, necessary cleaning & sanitizing supplies, and will implement new program protocols to ensure all Local, County, State, and Federal guidelines are being met. The fee for childcare services is $165 per week, drop off is 7:30am-8:00am and pick up is 5:00pm-5:30pm. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis and space is limited. To reserve childcare contact Gail Solomon, Member Services: Family YMCA of the Desert office: (760) 341-9622 or
- Riverside County Office of Education is available to provide childcare services to essential workers. To receive more information and an application for emergency childcare services contact the Riverside County Office of Education Early Care & Education at (800) 442-4927 or email
- City Code Compliance is available to answer questions and respond to complaints from the public at (760) 777-7050 Monday – Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
- City Hall is open with limited in-person access. Telephonic and on-line services for permits, plan check, application submittals, payments, and inspection appointments remain as options for conducting business. In-person consultation is available by appointment only and appointments can be made by going to HUB permit services are available through and City staff is available at (760) 777-7125 or via email at to answer any questions. Online services for Short-Term Vacation Rentals can be accessed at
- Staff is still on a staggered schedule to comply with social distancing requirements. Face coverings are required for anyone entering the building and glass partitions have been installed at the public counters to limit exposure to COVID-19. Social distancing of 6 ft. between persons in the lobby and at the counter is also required. A thermal camera is located at the entrance to monitor the temperatures of all City employees and members of the public entering the building.
- Staff received 59 permit applications and issued 46 permits all of which were processed online through City’s eTRAKiT Web Portal, for a total construction valuation of $1,317,973.57 and collection of $50,811.20 in permit fees.
- Building Division staff performed 58 digital reviews and completed 92 onsite inspections last week; of those inspections 30 were requested using eTRAKiT.
- Two single-family dwelling building permits ranging from 2,668 square feet to 2,843 square feet were issued within the residential Cove and the Desert Club Manor Communities, respectively.
- Commercial Building Permits were issued for a 2,843 square foot Pieology Pizzeria Tenant Improvement at 79-024 Highway 111 Suite 103 within the Pavilion at La Quinta Development, located at the Northeast corner of Adams Street and Highway 111; and a 2,527 square-foot Veterinary Services Tenant Improvement at 78-555 Highway 111 Suite 200 within the La Quinta Court Development, located at the Southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 111.
- The City is accepting applications for its Al Fresco program, which allows businesses to use outdoor spaces such as sidewalks, parking stalls, and common areas for outdoor dining. Registration for the program is free and information can be found at
- An update for the Complete Street Project Stage 3 Closure for June 1 through June 26, 2020 is attached.
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